You may be tempted to purchase high-priced items, go out to eat more, or go on a splurge for things you really don’t need. Being tempted is like any other temptation. You need to stand your ground and stick to your budget. I know there are times when you may be tempted to go buy something sweet like doughnuts and coffee. The cost may not be extravagant for this purchase; however, it still will take away from your budget. We know you will spend your money as you want to and that’s fine. If you have something that you want and do not need, you can get yourself in more debt, taking care of your wants and not needs. Let’s look at needs, wants, and desires.
You need clothing to wear to work or church, but you would like to dress like other ladies and men you see at work or at church. They are sharp dressers, and you wish that could be you. However, when you look at your budget for clothing and other miscellaneous expenses, you don’t have enough money left over to pay for clothing you really want. Regarding designer clothes and purses, you really don’t have the funds to purchase them. What can you do with this desire to acquire better-looking clothes? Here are some tips that may help if this is you.
Purchase designer clothes at a thrift store – in different parts of town
Purchase winter clothes in the summer and summer clothes in the winter
Save your money to purchase an item of clothing you really want on sale
Use afterpay to pay for items at the store – it will take 3 months to pay off the item of clothing
We all need food to eat in order to survive. Having the right food in your body will give you the nourishment you need to survive. Food is expensive, and it can break your budget. Don’t fall into the temptation to buy everything that looks good in the store. If you don’t need it, don’t buy it. Stick to what you usually buy when you go food shopping. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you only purchase food you need and not necessarily what you want. It is too tempting to purchase what you want. Just think, if you buy only the items you wish to, your food bill will double. Concentrate on food items you actually need. Write a list of those items. Some food items are everyday and you tend to purchase all the time. Here are some tips to purchase food items you need instead of want.
Make a grocery list of items you need – not want
Take a calculator and keep track of items you are purchasing
Keep track of your food spending
Use coupons to reduce cost of food
Use bogo savings at local store when necessary
Eat before you go to the grocery store
We all need a roof over our heads, meaning somewhere to live. You can live in an economical housing apartment or a house. Nowadays, homes cost more than ten years ago. If you are looking for a new home, do your research and not be tempted to buy a home more than what you can afford. Of course, when you are shopping for a home, you will see beautiful homes that look good but cost more. Decide on the best home that will be economical for your family based on your budget. Make a list of what you should or should not purchase based on your income and expenses. Too often, we are tempted to go with what we see instead of how we hear from God on whether to buy the house.
Temptation can wear out your budget, and you wouldn’t know what hit you. God will never tempt you beyond what you can bear - paraphrase ………………1Corinthian 10:13 (KJV).
Grace & peace
Meliton Barron